This price is given by the seller và corresponds either to the manufacturer"s recommended new price or khổng lồ the average new price found at various distributors.
This price is given by the seller and corresponds either to lớn the manufacturer"s recommended new price or khổng lồ the average new price found at various distributors.
30 days lớn change your mind 12 months refurbisher warranty Refurbished tech can help reduce e-waste, more than you think.
Assessment takes 2 minutes & you’ll get an offer instantly. If the price is right, settle up your cart to lớn make it official.
The physical unique of the iPhone XS max that I purchased is excellent however, it keeps running hot. It happens when it"s on the charger và also with the battery is critically low. I"m going to tương tác the seller khổng lồ see if I can trade it in. I received an thư điện tử before it arrived saying "If you purchased an iPhone và see a message about the new battery, don’t worry! It’s just because your device’s battery has been replaced by an independent refurbisher." I decided to go ahead và continue with the purchase. The fact that it"s not an authentic apple battery is probably why it"s overheating. I"m hoping the seller can accommodate me. I will update my review once I have everything sorted out.
I’ve had two interactions/transactions with Back Market the past six months…both very different…both outstanding! I purchased a refurbished iPhone XS Max six months ago. The phone was in excellent shape…the process was easy…the price was right…and I was even offered very affordable financing terms (Affirm) which I took advantage of. Absolutely outstanding experience! Recently my wife và I thought she had lost her iPhone during a plane trip we took. Both my wife & I are “senior citizens” and my wife has Alzheimer’s. My wife needs lớn have a phone in case of emergency & a need to liên hệ me when I’m away. We ordered another IPhone XS Max from Back Market…paid for it by credit card…and literally the day after I ordered it her old iPhone was found. I asked for…and received…instructions on how lớn return the iPhone I ordered và the return process was friendly and efficient. Let me be clear…I was highly impressed with Back Market’s processes and I will absolutely use them again for any future công nghệ requirements I have! Thanks!
Bạn đang xem: Iphone xs max 64gb
This price is given by the seller and corresponds either to lớn the manufacturer"s recommended new price or khổng lồ the average new price found at various distributors.
Xem thêm: Kinh Nghiệm Đi Ăn Chơi Ở Khu Du Lịch Trường Huy, Vĩnh Long Ở Đâu?
30 days lớn change your mind 12 months refurbisher warranty Refurbished tech can help reduce e-waste, more than you think.
Assessment takes 2 minutes & you’ll get an offer instantly. If the price is right, settle up your cart to lớn make it official.
The physical unique of the iPhone XS max that I purchased is excellent however, it keeps running hot. It happens when it"s on the charger và also with the battery is critically low. I"m going to tương tác the seller khổng lồ see if I can trade it in. I received an thư điện tử before it arrived saying "If you purchased an iPhone và see a message about the new battery, don’t worry! It’s just because your device’s battery has been replaced by an independent refurbisher." I decided to go ahead và continue with the purchase. The fact that it"s not an authentic apple battery is probably why it"s overheating. I"m hoping the seller can accommodate me. I will update my review once I have everything sorted out.
I’ve had two interactions/transactions with Back Market the past six months…both very different…both outstanding! I purchased a refurbished iPhone XS Max six months ago. The phone was in excellent shape…the process was easy…the price was right…and I was even offered very affordable financing terms (Affirm) which I took advantage of. Absolutely outstanding experience! Recently my wife và I thought she had lost her iPhone during a plane trip we took. Both my wife & I are “senior citizens” and my wife has Alzheimer’s. My wife needs lớn have a phone in case of emergency & a need to liên hệ me when I’m away. We ordered another IPhone XS Max from Back Market…paid for it by credit card…and literally the day after I ordered it her old iPhone was found. I asked for…and received…instructions on how lớn return the iPhone I ordered và the return process was friendly and efficient. Let me be clear…I was highly impressed with Back Market’s processes and I will absolutely use them again for any future công nghệ requirements I have! Thanks!